As measured at the Benzie County Road Commission, the official annual snowfall
for the county is 59.25 inches for the 2023-2024 winter season.

The official average annual snowfall for the county is 119.6 inches
seen over 80 seasons, from 1944 to 2024.

For what it's worth, here are some 10-year averages:
As of spring 1956: 93.9 inches (1946-1956)
As of spring 1966: 124.4 inches (1956-1966)
As of spring 1976: 108.9 inches (1966-1976)
As of spring 1986: 132.3 inches (1976-1986)
As of spring 1996: 124.0 inches (1986-1996)
As of spring 2006: 140.6 inches (1996-2006)
(A general trend upwards)
As of spring 2016: 134.7 inches (2006-2016)
As of spring 2017: 130.9 inches (2007-2017)
As of spring 2018: 133.0 inches (2008-2018)
As of spring 2019: 126.5 inches (2009-2019)
As of spring 2020: 128.2 inches (2009-2020)
As of spring 2021: 123.4 inches (2010-2021)
As of spring 2022: 125.1 inches (2011-2022)
As of spring 2023: 119.8 inches (2012-2023)
As of spring 2024: 102.7 inches (2013-2024)
(A general trend downwards)
The annual snowfall per year since 1944-45 is shown in the chart below.
Note that since 1944 when records started being kept:
- the maximum snowfall we've received is 230" during the 2013-14
- the minimum is 33.5" during the 1973-74 season
- the second highest is 213.5".during the 1996-1994 season
- the second lowest was 59.25".during the 2023-2024 season